:: the art of driving - part II ::

Back to the story.. I realised that every time I drive, I tend to speed up…ok, so I’ve realised it since the first time I got my license… the point I was trying to make is: I drive fast for a reason… I don’t hold a grudge to those who drive slow…nope…I respect your way of driving… it’s what made us so different and unique... *cheers*

My first accident… was not because of my speed… I was in a traffic jam… I was driving slowly… mind you, that’s why I crashed into the lorry… so it’s not the matter of speed… it’s the matter of strength and weakness

When u do something, it’s either you’re good or bad at it… if you’re good, u should keep it up… make it better…
If you’re bad, then you should change the way u do it… so that u’ll be good at doing it… (am I confusing u?)

Driving is an art… but it’s also technical… therefore, it doesn’t matter what brain u use, u could still excel in it…
My dad is an engineer, thus he tends to use his left brain… very technical…
Me? I’m studying psychology, a so called art-of-human-beings…I’ve done the brain test… guess which brain I always use? You’re right… I’m a left-brain user…
Does it matter? Maybe…maybe not…

The first time I stepped on the accelerator, I knew that I like to drive fast… I can’t stand the slowness… I could go mad if I drive slowly (though I am still mad when I drive fast..haha) so I figured that I’ll be strong when I’m fast.. that’s my strength… I’d be good at it…

You should also know when you’d be strong… because when u know, you’d be ‘safe’…
They say ignorance is bliss…I’d say (in this particular subject) knowing is strength…

Another beautiful thing about driving is: social & mixing…

When you’re driving, it’s not just about you! It never was… and never will be…
You use the road…where other people use… in other word: you share the road with other people…
So, driving is about sharing… it’s about how you control the vehicle for everyone’s benefits (including yours of course)…

Simple example: when you drive, which lane do u use? Right? Middle? Left?
There’s a reason there are 3 lanes, u know…

People say:
- when u drive at the right, u’re going fast because u’re a show off…
- middle, u’re going not-so-fast because u don’t know how to speed up…
- left, u’re very slow because your car is so ancient

(how absurd! about what they say, I mean.. hahaha)

How about if we change the ‘because’:
- when u’re at the right, u’re speeding up because u’re running out of time...or emergency maybe? Or simply because it’d be safer when u’re there…
- middle, u’re going ok because u like to keep it plain… not-so-fast and not-so-slow…u’ve got lots of time and it’d be safer for u to be there…
- left? U’re keeping it slow because u’ve got lots and lots of time…u want to test the slow speed, and of course, because it’d be safer for everybody for u to be there…

(This is what we call: Husnu-Zhon… Positive thinking – of others.. Because when we think good of others, they will think good of us..simple yet complicated)

How interesting…isn’t it? I’ve met so many drivers in my 3 years of driving… But very little drivers who actually care about others…
Of course, when you drive, it’s about taking control… but that doesn’t mean that u can ‘kick-off’ other people…

A friend of mine once said that she was very ‘pissed-off’ (I’m sorry for such a language) with fast-and-furious driver who keeps nagging her car from behind…
Which of course, if u were in the same situation, u’d see that the car at the behind has every right to do so…
She was at the right lane… u should go fast at the right lane… but no, my friend refused to change lane (even for a mild second!)…
I mean, the most reasonable thing to do as a very smart driver: is to change lane to the middle, then let the car pass, then change back to the right lane… is that so hard to ask?
Oh no… most drivers see this as a thing to keep the pride and ego at high… (because it usually involve the car they use…which I shall say here: it’s not the car that makes us SUPER…it’s how we control the car for everyone’s benefits)

Ok, so I do not blame my friend… she has every right to do whatever she thinks she can…
But remember, there will be time when roles will be switched…
It’s like the saying: Life is like a wheel… one day you’re up, and the next day u’d be down…

If you drive for only yourself, then I suggest you step out of the car…
Because every thing we do, we have to answer back at the Judgement Day…
So let us be prepared… Care about the others, and they will care about you~


Sometimes when we drive, we’re in a good mood… very happy and jovial..
But sometimes we’re sad, disappointed and tired…
And sometimes, we’re angry, mad and crazy…

Have you ever met a driver who cries whilst he/she was driving? (I have…I’ve even done this…tsk tsk)
Or have you met those were laughing hysterically, they don’t care about the others? (Rarely…but I’ve also done this)
Or those who were red with rage? Mad and angry… Shouting mean words over the open windows? (Lots of time…thankfully, I’ve never let myself do this…Praise be to Allah)
Or those who were as stiff as a board, eyes as big as the moon, full with fear? (Sometimes…I even do this sometimes…huhuhu)

Simple gestures can mean a lot to others… Try it…
When you see other drivers, SMILE~ (this takes a lot of courage…I only did this a few times…but still out of uncertainty)
Or you can raise your hand in greeting… (Also did this a few times…uhuh)
Or you can raise your hand AND smile…. (Done this, maybe once…or twice… bad me)

Please avoid the honk…
But if you really want to, go ahead…
Honk first, then raise your hand, and smile… (Never done this..)

Why not the honk? Simply because we tend to jump up when we hear one…
The honk always startled us… We might misinterpret the reason of honking…
Therefore, honking is a bad first impression of friendly gestures… (or maybe not…depends…)

Yup, I could go on and on about driving…
Nope, I’m not perfect and nor will I ever be…
But feeling and knowing these things while driving, sometimes keep me sane… (hahaha)

Driving (and doing everything else) is supposed to keep us happy…
We should be satisfied (because this brings us to SYUKUR a.k.a grateful)

So, if driving keep you happy, then you’re on the right track…
But if driving only depressed you, then there’s something need to be done…
Try to change it… Repair it… Twist it… Upgrade it (?) Hohoho…

Don’t mess with the ‘driving’…
It’s all about strength~ (and finding one)
Have a safe and happy journey~

p.s. If you see me in a car, then greet me… we’re sharing the roads, remember? Hehehe…


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