
Showing posts from 2008

:: Still Waiting ::

Alhmdllh, dpd 3 paper, 1 paper dh kuar result (and no, I'm not sharing it with the world *grin*) However, that paper is the elective one... So I'm still waiting for the bombs to drop (in the form of my Psych results *cringe*) Anyway, this is a picture of my ESL II class on our last day of tute: ah..can you see me? The girl in the blue circle *huh?* This pic was taken by our classmate, Joey (she's a Chinese-M'sian..we're the only M'sians in class) ---> and yes, I was the only Muslim-Malay... p.s. my usrah-mate, Balqis, also took ESL II-- but she was in another class =) and this was my tutor, Marion White... she's really friendly (guess how old she is?come on... *wink*) answer: she's over 60!! (hah!nearly the age of my grandmother!) *thus old-age is not an excuse to 'stop' or 'rest' from our JOURNEY* ^__^

:: Isi atau Kulit? ::

Katakanlah --- template is kulit, update is isi... No kulit, no isi: Confirm bankrap--- Takde kulit, isi sedap: Boleh jual lagi--- Kulit cantik, isi takde: Kejap je--- Kulit power, isi mantap: Pasti Laris--- So, memetik kata-kata hikmah dr Maya : " alaa, tukar template tp tak update buat ape " (lepas tu die gelak... huh) ^__^

:: Thought You'd Like to Know ::

Just thought I'd share my-- Exam Times Exam times for 2008 Semester 2. Subject Catalog Nbr Paper Title Date Time Start Finish ENGL 2104 Professional English (ESL) (Level II) 14/11/2008 1:50pm 4:30pm PSYCHOL 2001 Psychological Research Methodology II 15/11/2008 1:50pm 4:00pm PSYCHOL 2003 Psychology IIB 10/11/2008 1:50pm 4:00pm hahaha :D

:: Go0d Luck! ::

Since exam is just around the corner (to a lot of people!-- I'm sure *grin*).. So, this is a box of chocolate I thought I'd share (though it's only a picture-- hehehe) with all of y0u.. Keep up the smart work! You know you can do it-- yay! "Allahumma yassir, wa la tu'assir" "Allahumma la sahla illa ma ja'altahu sahla, wa anta taj'alul hazana idza ma syi'ta sahla" note: Arigatou-gozaimasu to my naqibah, Kak Izzati, for the DELICIOUS choc!! *Best of Luck with your thesis~* :D note to self: Must not get too worked up~ Keep calm n keep co0l ;D last note: I'm not so sure about the 2nd doa.. I usually just 'say' when I have to put it into writing-- I always confuse myself!! So if there's a mistake, do tell ^__^ *this do'a was 'given' to me by a very very good friend of mine during our primary school..she was amazing! Huda, do u still remember giving it to me as a present?I loved it before, and I still love it

:: Out of the Blue ::

Last night... At Swinging Bowl.. I watched Muhammad (a 6 year-old) as he finished his homework.. Out of the blue... Muhammad: Ada anak tak? Me (terkejut): Er-- ada .. dalam perut.. Muhammad: Bile die keluar? Me (raised my eyebrow): Bulan Disember ni..... Muhammad: Nanti dia dah keluar bolehla die pegi skolah ni (tunjuk kat logo baju skolah die-- Islamic College South Australia ) Me: Uhuh-- Muhammad: Tapi nanti die keluar jadi baby.. baby tak boleh pegi school.. kena tunggu die jadi org dulu.. Me: Em-- baby bukan orang ke? Muhammad (looked straight into my eyes): Tak. Baby bukan orang (dengan confident nye!) At last... I laughed... The conversation was really funny.. Yet so sweet-- I miss my sisters and brothers *sniff*sniff*

:: Konvo ::

*sob*sob* (nangis dgn pilunya) Jaiputra katenye confirm konvo 23 nov ni... Jadi, tak dpt la nk gi konvo pertama ku!! *sedih* Memang kalau bulan nov dan disember, I'M OUT... Mane taknye, time tu dah 8-9 bulan pregnant... Kang beranak pulak dlm kapal terbang... Hr tu mase diorang kate konvo 23 okt, berkobar2 dah nak beli tiket... Tibe2 last minute kate tunda pulak... *aisey* Ah, dua diploma~ tp tak dpt naik pentas *__* Takpela... takde rezeki nk berkonvokesyen-- So skrg nk kne tanye proses die... Walaupun tak dpt gi, tp mesti kne settle mcm2 dgn admin.. *hmm* note: terima kasih kat sha tlg bg berita semasa psl jaiputra… note lg: diorg tak buat konvo ’on-line’ ke? hehehe… ^__^

:: House-hunting ::

Alhamdulillah, hari ni dh masuk minggu ke-3 kami house-hunting… unit skrg yg kami duduk okey la: - sangat dekat dgn city (bus stop no. 7 je.. kalau tertinggal bas pun, still tak lewat sgt smpi kelas…huhuhu…) - harga $175 per week… - tp sgt kecik, tak muat nk sumbat ramai org… Yg dh dpt tapi terpaksa cancel: - 1 rumah kat Kilkenny [gambar kat atas-- dekat dgn takde sorang pun kwn yg duduk dekat..susah!) - 1 unit kat Prospect [mahal sgt = $190] So skrg ni tiap2 hari: - amek The Adv etiser kat uni - tgk ad psl houses to let and home units for rent - gi inspection - isi tenancy application form - gi International Student Centre (ISC) utk guna fax free *yay* Sape yg tolong? - Kak Niksha ngan Kak Izzati tlg gi inspect rumah kat east hr tu.. - Kak Ili ngan Alia tlg gi inspect rumah kat Prospect... - kwn2 kat rumah Qasru

:: Selam ::

hari tu.. aku gi menyelam.. rupenye dah 5 bulan-- lamenye~ aku masuk dalam air.. mula-mula pegi tempat cetek... lama-lama gi yg makin dalam... dlm air.. memang cantik... sampai rasa seronok... taknak naik-naik... sebab lame sgt... takut nk 'balik'... nak terus menyelam... sebolehnya nk 'menghilang'... tp mmg tak mungkin.. nak lama-lama dalam air... takde kawan.. cepat bosan.. nafas tak cukup panjang.. suhu tak bersesuaian.. banyak makhluk yg membahayakan... agaknye, kalau mati pon tak perasan.. tak sangka... dah 5 bulan-- lame kn?

:: Ch0icEs ::

-- feeling a little low -- or is that how i really wanna feel? ~ for I ch0ose my 0wn 'uPs & d0wns' in life ~ -- every m0ment c0unts -- -- and i need not be hasty -- -- 'ch0osing' is tremendously an IMPORTANT task of life -- -- my ch0ice determines EVERY 'single' THING -- -- ch00se WISELY while you still can --

:: Dunia Tanpa Suami ::

Ding – dong ~ Hi there… *smile*smile* Good news to all.. Another book out… (Mcm publisiti la pulak *hehehe*) But this book is really ‘something’… It’s a MUST-READ for us all.. To ‘erase’ the BIAS we had on people ‘without husbands’.. Kita selalu dgr org ckp psl jodoh.. Pasal suami.. Pasal isteri.. And kita selalu doa (especially women) taknak jadi anak dara lambat kahwin.. Tp pernah tak kita AMBIL TAHU apa perasaan dan pemikiran diorang yg lewat kahwin atau tak kahwin2 ni?? Pernah tak kita BERSANGKA BAIK dgn kondisi mereka? Pernah tak terfikir ini salah satu UJIAN & DUGAAN Allah utk hamba2-Nya? Apa yg kita selalu fikir bila sebut ‘anak dara tua’ (dan yg sewaktu dgnnya)?? Org yg memilih sgt? Org yg hanya bergantung pd nasib? Org yg tak berusaha? Org yg tak laku? Org yg tak pandang dunia? Well.. i think this book reveals ‘some’ of the INSIDE of the situation.. Let us think carefully.. We always judge people without actually trying to give support or help.. So what is actually our ro

:: Hos-pi-tal ::

Dari awal tahun sampai tengah tahun… Hospital dah jadi tempat ziarah wajib setiap bulan.. Dah jadi mcm tmn permainan adik2.. Mcm tempat berjumpa semua ahli keluarga... Walau sibuk mana pun kita.. Tak mustahil nanti giliran diri sendiri pulak yg akan ‘dijenguk’… Jadi, jgn sekali2 malas nak menjenguk org lain!! =) Tp Alhamdulillah.. Bila ada ujian dan dugaan mcm ni la yg ‘menyedarkan’ diri.. Dlm hidup ada ‘sihat’... Ada ‘suka’.. Ada ‘bahagia’.. Dan ada ‘mula’.. Namun, Hidup juga pasti ada ‘sakit’.. Pasti ada ‘calar’.. Pasti ada ‘sedih’.. Dan ada ‘tamat’ nya.. Let’s see.. Tahun ni je.. Raya Cina— Mokcek accident.. Masuk HUSM Kubang Kerian.. Hati hampir putus.. And sebab hati tak boleh nak jahit, so kena patch je (mcm gam).. Sbb accident: Driving.. penat.. pitam.. terlanggar tiang elektrik.. tak pakai tali pinggang keledar... stereng hempap dada.. damage hati... Operation 2 kali.. Then, bile doktor check blk: Mokcek pregnant!! And the embryo (or fetus, I’m not sure) died… Sama2lah kita doa

:: Jumble Sale ::

Ok, jom cerita lagi~ ^_^ Ahad, 13/4/08: JIM AJ buat Jumble Sale for Palestin kat Flat Ar-Ridzwan, Ampang.. Sepatutnya start pukul 9 pagi.. Tapi, pkul 8.30 lagi penduduk dah tunggu kat ‘tapak jualan’.. Ni my husband lah yg cerita (afrah sakit perut, so pegi lewat sket *sedih*).. bila sampai je, terus penduduk kat situ dtg, berebut2 amek.. padahal kita tak sempat nak susun2 pun lg… Anyway, bila afrah sampai tu, Makcik Azian tgh bg talk on Palestin kat tepi surau.. Mula2 tak nampak ramai sgt, tp bile dah start pasang video clip, ramai la yg dtg tengok.. ^_^ Pastu, ada slot cabutan bertuah.. (ha.. slot ni memang sgt berkesan utk meningkatkan ‘kemesraan’ dan ‘kemeriahan’ majlis :) And satu lg yg menarik, ada aktiviti ‘survey’ kanak2 n remaja.. sume yg isi boring survey tu dpt hadiah lolly-pop ngan note book kecik.. ha, yg ni pulak, kak khawlah mmg semangat (kak khawlah la yg handle masa afrah tgh ‘bersiar2’ :) Ape lg ek? Oh ye, brg2 jualan memang sgt2 murah.. (biasela.. nama pon jumble s

:: To Our Dearest Sister ::

Alhamdulillah, baru balik from usrah.. it's quite late already, but i really wanna share this news with everyone.. One of my usrah-mate's mother just passed away last week (let us recite the Al-Fatihah for the arwah).. she's from UiAM, studying architecture.. After the final exam, she went home and found that her mother was in a coma.. she had nearly a hundred missed calls (she had a problem with the phone).. She was very close with her mother (her father had passed away long time ago).. So to all of you, please pray for our dear sister; may Allah give her strength and peace.. Remember, one du'a can heal many wounds... Your sis, Afrah.. 11th April 2008..

:: Ulfah, the 3rd girl & the 6th of 8 ::

This is a dedication to my sweet little sister who just celebrated her 9 th birthday on the 7 th April 2008.. Happy Belated Birthday, Ulfah!! *love you* Kak Long doakan moga Ulfah jadi anak yg solehah bg ummi n baba.. (n adik yg mendengar kata kakak2 nya) And moga Ulfah tak banyak nangis dah lepas ni bila kitorang kacau.. (why does she like to cry?? I really don’t understand it.. ok, so maybe we like to tease her a lot, but that’s what family for, right? *sigh* ) And moga Ulfah terus rajin hafal Al-Qur’an, n cepat2 hafal sifir.. (she haven't memorized them..yet) And moga Ulfah lebih rajin baca seerah.. (she and her friends don’t even know what seerah means!!!! What do they learn in al-amin? No offense, but it’s kinda bad—I know this how? I have one brother and one sister not knowing the difference between tasawwuf, seerah, aqidah, akhlaq n fiqh.. oh, they know the ‘general’ idea.. but it’s much more a privilege to know the ‘specific’..that’s the idea of sending the

:: Sirah Junjungan ::

Ok, ni antara yg sempat tulis masa offline sbelum ni.. Harap2 semua pun sihat wal’afiat... Bagi sape2 yg kurang sihat, atau ‘demam exam’ tuh, sama2lah kita doakan supaya cepat ‘sembuh’.... Amin =) Firstly, utk semua saudara2 seIslam yang tersayang, (walaupun dah dekat 2 minggu terlewat) selamat menyambut Maulidur Rasul.. Moga MR kali ni lebih membantu kita utk ‘mendalamkan’ CINTA kita pada Rasulullah s.a.w, i’A ^_^ Ckp pasal MR ni, nak la kongsi cerita sikit.. 23 Mac, hr Ahad mggu lpas.. Afrah, Safwan, Ummi, Baba, Mok Ngoh n Pok Ngoh pergi teater muzikal ‘Sirah Junjungan’, bawah arahan Erma Fatima.. ‘Sirah Junjungan’ ni ada diiklankan dalam paper.. (tp group usrah afrah tak tau, sebab afrah tak cerita..sori semua~ next time i’A :P ) Alkisahnya... satu hari ni afrah terbaca satu rencana (tak ingat paper ape) pasal Erma Fatima; tentang usaha dia nak buat teater muzikal islam pertama kat M’sia ngan pasal pemergian ayah Erma (takziah diucapkan..sama2lah kita sedeka

:: Wake Up Call ::

31st March 2008.. Monday.. kenangan di hari pertunanganku.. 15 Disember 2007.. Sofie (plg kiri), Me (tgh2), Schkera (beside me), Yam (the black-veil-gurl), Pjah (kiri plg dpn), Maya (kanan plg dpn)... Fisrtly.. I’d like to dedicate a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dearest friend, Shakirah (the one beside me in the pix)~ Whoops.. you’re 21 today!!! Yay!! :D And secondly, sorry everybody... for not updating my blog (not that anyone missed me, right? *hehe*) but u know... when i don’t update, the blog ‘stays’ BORING and UNINTERESTING and BORING ...huhu... And thirdly, I really don’t have time to actually ‘write’ when i’m, this is what i’ll do: i’ll write my blog when i’m off, then i’ll post it.. hope it'll work *grinning* And last, this is something i’ve done some time ago (a quiz from the internet)..juz feel like sharing *smiling* Your Birthdate: March 6 You tend to be the rock in relationships - people depend on you. Thoughtful and caring, you often put others needs first. You a

:: Dari Ummiku Tercinta ::

Anakku... Bila Ummi boleh memilih apakah Ummi berbadan langsing atau berbadan besar k erana mengandungmu, …….. . maka Ummi memilih mengandungkanmu.. K erana dalam mengandungmu Ummi merasakan keajaiban dan kebesaran Allah Sembilan bulan nak... Engkau hidup di perut Ummi Engkau ikut kemana jua Ummi pergi Engkau ikut merasakan ketika jantung Ummi berdetak kerana kebahagiaan Engkau menendang rahim Ummi tika engkau merasa tidak nyaman, tika Ummi kecewa dan berurai air mata Anakku... Bila Ummi boleh memilih apakah Ummi dibedah saja, atau Ummi harus berjuang melahirkanmu, …… maka Ummi memilih berjuang melahirkanmu.... Kerana menunggu dari jam ke jam, minit ke minit kelahiranmu, adalah seperti menunggu memasuki salah satu pintu syurga Kedahsyatan perjuanganmu untuk mencari jalan keluar ke dunia sangat Ummi rasakan Dan saat itulah kebesaran Allah menyelimuti kita berdua Malaikat tersenyum diantara peluh dan erangan rasa sakit, yang tak mungkin dapat Ummi ceritakan ke