:: Ulfah, the 3rd girl & the 6th of 8 ::

This is a dedication to my sweet little sister who just celebrated her
9th birthday on the 7th April 2008..

Happy Belated Birthday, Ulfah!!
*love you*

Kak Long doakan moga Ulfah jadi anak yg solehah bg ummi n baba..
(n adik yg mendengar kata kakak2 nya)

And moga Ulfah tak banyak nangis dah lepas ni bila kitorang kacau..
(why does she like to cry?? I really don’t understand it.. ok, so maybe we like to tease her a lot, but that’s what family for, right? *sigh* )

And moga Ulfah terus rajin hafal Al-Qur’an, n cepat2 hafal sifir..
(she haven't memorized them..yet)

And moga Ulfah lebih rajin baca seerah..
(she and her friends don’t even know what seerah means!!!! What do they learn in al-amin? No offense, but it’s kinda bad—I know this how? I have one brother and one sister not knowing the difference between tasawwuf, seerah, aqidah, akhlaq n fiqh.. oh, they know the ‘general’ idea.. but it’s much more a privilege to know the ‘specific’..that’s the idea of sending the kids to al-amin in the first place right? To ‘undesrtand’, not just to ‘know’~ This is a SERIOUS thing.. I think I really ought to talk about this with someone.. rather than babbling it in my blog.. sorry..)

And lastly, moga Ulfah dilimpahi rahmat-Nya sentiasa *I love you*

Love always,
Your Lovely Sister,

Kak Long..
10th April 2008..


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