:: WPC on Palestine ::


*Again, writing at (in?) (from?) the library* (can't decide..uhoh)

These are emails..
written by Dr. Hafidzi..
from Istanbul...
about the World Popular Conference on Palestine..
to us all--

I know I just have to share these~
and I know it's long.. but they are in 'points'! hehe ;)
*Insya-Allah, may He bless us all with conscience*

Email #1

Assalamualaikum and good day everyone.

Excerpts from the opening speech by Dr isam al-Bashir

1. On the Gaza attack,
most of the Arabic governments has remain silence – a shameful act.
2.They should have done something like when they promptly acted when something happened to other countries.
3.We are here to show our endless support to the Palestinian.
4.We are standing here today to state in clear terms that we are against the aggressor.
We don’t want just speeches and words because they will be forgotten.
6.We have to translate them into strategic plannings and projects to change the realities in gaza and Palestine in general.

Dr Hafidzi Mohd Noor
PACE (Palestine Centre of Excellence)
writing from Istanbul

Email #2

Assalamualaikum and very good day to everyone.

One of the speaker invited is Syeikh Raid Salah - the person who revealed the tunneling activities of the zionist as part of the sinister plan to destroy the al Aqsa mosque in Baitul Maqdis (Jerusalem)

1. After 61 years the zionist did not stop the killing.
2. In the last attack on Gaza the Zionist killed more than 1,312 person including 410 children.
3.They didn’t hesitate to
destroy mosques, schools and houses.
4. This is the real face of the Zionist.
5. If there is justice in the political world, the Zionist is equal to the Nazis.
6. In fact they are much worse.
They have committed hundreds of holocaust.
7. But the Palestinian people will not give up and they will continue to resist this terrible holocaoust.
8. The Palestinian will continue the struggle even if everyone support the Zionists.
9. We can stop the injustice. he is making sure that our voices (the voices of the free world) will be heard. The occupation of al Quds must end.
10. Netanyahu is demanding that the Palestinian people must not return. This is the most important issue need to be addressed (the rights of the Palestinian people to return to their homeland).
11. Establishing Baitul Maqdis as the capital of Palestine is important.
12. The solution to the conflict is not by just removing the illegal jewish settlements (built on stolen Palestinian lands) but to end all the occupation.
We all are (including the Jewish people) are having a hard time with the Zionist.
14. We hope the Egyptian government will open the crossing at Rafah.
We are demanding for the world to stop the economic relations with Israel.
16. We must work together very hard to save al Quds from the destruction.
We must be ready to answer God on this issue when we meet Him.

Dr Hafidzi Mohd Noor
Writing from, Istanbul

Email #3

Assalamualaikum and greetings everyone.

As-Syeikh Dr Yusuf al Qardhawi, a prominent scholar and reference for muslims the world over on contemporary issues was at the conference to deliver his key-note speech.

Excerpts of his speech.

1. As-Syeikh began by praising Allah and salutations to the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
2. He greets brothers and sisters and everyone attending the conference with the peace greeting in Islam..
3. Thankful to Allah for the effort put together by everyone to make this gathering possible.
4.Thankful for everyone that comes from all over the world to be in the blessed conference.
5. This conference is held from this city (Istanbul), the city of the heavens, the gardens, the mosque, the city of the history of the muslims.
6. We came to express our lasting support for Palestine.
7. When we protect Baitl Maqdis, than Allah will protect His holyland.
8. People says leave Baitul Maqdis to Allah, He will protect the holy land.
9. We will not do as Abdul Mutalib did when he left Kaabah to Allah, when Mekah came under the attack of abrahah.
Abdul Mutalib did not have anyone to protect al Kaabah., but here we have the muslim nations. We have one and a half billion muslims to protect al Aqsa..
11. These nations and these people are responsible to look after al Aqsa..
12. Allah says, it is OUR rights to give victory to the believers - by the believers (by their own action)
13. Victory is only for those who have the strongest belief.
14. We have to be together in one saff (line). As-Syeikh recited a verse from surah as-Saff. (Quran). We need to support each other as one body.
15. People from east to west will lend their support. At this juncture as-Syeikh express his gratitude to the Sweidsh professor, Dr Mattias Gardell from Uppsala University for addressing the conference earlier.
Muslims do not want to create enemies with anyone. Muslims will not enter into war with anyone. But when war is forced unto this nation, than everyone must stand to defend their homeland. The people must put up resistance.
17. Many young people from every corner of the world wrote to as Syeikh, asking permission to go and fight alongside the Palestinian, but they were stopped by their own country, that stood between them and the holy land.
18. Therefore the resistance must contineu inside Palestine with support from everyone.
19. Without resistance (intifadhah) Israel will not give anything back.
20. The resistance is the only way, for freedom is only achievable by resistance.
21. The people of palestine have the greatest tolerance and presevere with great patience.
22. HAMAS is the testimony to the whole world that they will continue to resist as a people with enduring patience.
23. At the same time, unity and reconciliation (among the Palestinians) is important.
This nation (palestine) will not be victorious if we are separated.
25. We must stand as one hand.
26. Reconciliation and unity is possible but it must be (based) on justice and (with the aim) of protecting the Palestinian rights (not a sell-off of Palestinian rights).
27. Jerusalem (Baitul Maqdis) must remain as the capital of Palestine.
28. Our help is not a contribution - it is an obligation, a responsibility (we must not shirk)
29. We have to support the resistance through financial means.
30. We (The muslim government) must sever our relationship with Israel.
31. If Israel stays, it will spell the end of the whole world

I did'nt manage to jot down most of the words of wisdom that flowed from the lips of as-Syeikh Yusuf al Qardhawi. To be in the audience addressed by the great scholar is in itself a very great blessings from Allah. We prayed our Jumaah prayer with as-Syeikh as the khatib (addressing the congregation). It was delivered in Arabic. I didn't know Arabic, but he stressed in his khutbah many times, that we are one ummah (one nation). May Allah blessed as Syeikh Dr Yusuf al Qardhawi with good health so that he can continue to serve as a beacon for this ummah. Ameen Ya Rabb. (I could not help but shed my tears here - I read his books since my teenage years, deriving great inspirations from the great scholar, at the age of 47, with a compromised health, I was bestowed this opportunity to hear from the syeikh himself in this land of Istanbul, that use to be the seat of the last Islamic Chaliphate.Oh Allah, gather us all in your gardens, if our deeds are not sufficient for us to be in the company of the righteous, than please accept our love towards the righteous to make up for our shortfalls...)

Dr Hafidzi Mohd Noor
Director PACE
reporting from Istanbul

Email #4

Assalamualaikum and greetings everyone.

During the conference, a speech from a Palestinian Priest was broadcasted via videoconference. These are some of the points that I managed to jot down.
(I have to verify, I think he is Father Emmanuel Musellem)

1. He thanks the Turkish government for hosting the conference.
2. Thanking everyone for the effort to liberate the holy land.
3. He is the voice from the Palestinian Christians.
4. The world has closed their eyes to the cries of the children of palestine.
5. The world which is supposed to stand by peace instead support Israeli war.
We are seeing an unacceptable silence in the whole world.
7. Isn't the Palestinian people deserve true lives? (just like everyone else).
8. Our churches here in Palestine were destroyed by Israel.
The Christians flee from their homes, from the siege, NOT FROM THE MUSLIMS! (he stressed)
We suffered together with the muslims, NOT FROM THE MUSLIMS!
11. He called all the churches of the world, we are afraid our churches in palestine will turn to ruins.
12. We are afraid that our place of worshipped is being desecrated by the zionists.
13. We will fight as Christians together with our muslim brothers.
14. The whole world must see what happened in palestine. (If you close your eyes), your hands will be as bloodied as the zionists.
15. This is 'the flu' of Israel (in the light of infleunza A H1N1 virus).
16. Help us put this 'wolf' (Israel) in the zoo (restrain him).
17. We have suffered a lot from the war started by Israel
18. Open your eyes to our wounds. Tell us how to forgive them?
We are facing Israel that is very happy to make Palestinian suffer.
20. They will invade our churches and our holyland.
21. Israel is the only country who's using religion and democracy to invade other countries.

Dr Hafidzi Mohd Noor
Director PACE
writing from Istanbul

Email #5

Assalamualaikum and greetings to all

An MP from the AKP party, Turki gave a speech as host of the conference

1. The Palestinian cause is a Turkish cause.
2. In history, Turky has stood alongside Palestinians.
3. We're sad when the Palestinian are sad, and we will share our happiness with them
4. We are supporting the Palestinian all the time
5. The turkish people is desiring peace for the Palestinian.
6. As an MP from the AKP Party and President of the turkish friendship with the Palestinians, we will do everything for peace in Palestine.
Israeli crime has exceeded the borders of cruelty.
8. Their attacks deliberately targeted the infants, the newborns - which fits the definition of genocide.
9. Countries who remain silence - they will have to answer to their conscience.
10. The result of the election of 2006 must be elected.
HAMAS should be accepted as the legitimate ruling party.
12. We must support the outcome of the election.
13. InsyaAllah, this meeting will contribute a lot towards fullfilling our objectives (of establishing peace in palestine)

Dr Hafidzi Mohd Noor
writing from Istanbul

Email #6

Assalamualaikum and good day every one.

writing from Istanbul, thankful to Allah being given this opportunity to attend this event on Palestine.

One of the invited speaker is Mattias Gardell, a Prof from the Dept of the History of Religions, Uppsala University, Sweden. These are some of the points from his speech.

1. Personally, the Palestine tragedy is a sad thing because it has been going on for the whole of his life.
2. What happened in Gaza is not a natural disaster, but it's man-made.
3. He calls it 'the criminal siege' that transform Gaza into the biggest open air prison on earth.
4. It is a criminal act committed by Israel.
5. and this criminal act is committed in broad day light. He cited the example of Israeli attack on the UN office in Gaza on the day Ban Ki Moon, the UN Sec-Gen paid his visit to Gaza.
6. He is ashamed of his own government, the Swedish Governement. In fact many European government participated in this crime committed by Israel.
7. But he wants to assure everyone that these governments do not represent the Swedsih people and the people of Europe.
8. There are so many ordinary European citizens wanting to help the Palestinian people
9. The european people will not stand by and watch when international law is violated by Israel

Dr Hafidzi Mohd Noor
PACE (Palestine Centre of Excellence)
reporting from Istanbul

Okay.. that's all for today..
Let us do what we can..

writing from the Barr Smith Library,
The University of Adelaide,
South Australia



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