:: Ignorant & Arrogant ::


Salam *peace* to all~

Skrg kat library uni.. actually, tgh dlm proses menyiapkan assignment..
*sbb tu ayat macam skema ye..huhu*

Tgh buat research.. and terjumpa this one article...
This is exactly what I've been 'learning' all this semester..
And this is what I face as "culture shock"..
*it's not really culture..much more to belief..oh well..*

If you're doing science: psychology, physics, chem, medic etc...
This might be 'useful' for you to muhasabah(em..to reflect) yourself..
And pray to Allah that we won't be like them who accept 'science as religion'..

Just as an intro:
What we learned aren't always as innocent as we thought..
And sometimes, it shocked our poor innocent hearts 'to the core' ^__^

But every moment, I thank Allah~
for giving me Islam to embrace..
for giving me faith to believe..
for giving me hope to survive..
for giving me an 'aql to think..
for giving me a 'heart' to understand..
for giving me family and friends to help...

Thank You ALLAH ^__^

I'll only put some quotes..
Hmm..enjoy(?) *chuckle*

At a recent scientific conference at City College of New York, a student in the audience rose to ask the panelists an unexpected question: "Can you be a good scientist and believe in God?" Reaction from one of the panelists, all Nobel aureates, was quick and sharp. "No!" declared Herbert A. Hauptman, who shared the chemistry prize in 1985 for his work on the structure of crystals.

Belief in the supernatural, especially belief in God, is not only incompatible with good science, Dr. Hauptman declared, "this kind of belief is damaging to the well-being of the human race."

As scientists compare human genes with those of other mammals, tiny worms, even bacteria, the similarities "are absolutely compelling," Dr. Collins said. "If Darwin had tried to imagine a way to prove his theory, he could not have come up with something better, except maybe a time machine. Asking somebody to reject all of that in order to prove that they really do love God - what a horrible choice."

In any event, he added, "the experience of being a scientist makes religion seem fairly irrelevant," he said. "Most scientists I know simply don't think about it very much. They don't think about religion enough to qualify as practicing atheists." Most scientists he knows who do believe in God, he added, believe in "a God who is behind the laws of nature but who is not interving."

But Richard Dawkins, an evolutionary theorist at Oxford, said that even scientists who were believers did not claim evidence for that belief. "The most they will claim is that there is no evidence against," Dr. Dawkins said, "which is athetically weak. There is no evidence against all sorts of things, but we don't waste our time believing in them."

As said in the article, not all scientists are non-believers (about 40% do believe in God)... So let us all be good scientists who believe and obey our God.. remember, 'science is only a tool' to get more rewards(thanx alia!hehe=).. our goal is the Akhirat ^__^

for the full text, you can see it here:

Have a good day!!

*Got to get back to my work ;D*


Barr Smith Library
The University of Adelaide
South Australia



Anonymous said…
errr...pahala = rewards?


Alia Mazalan

(^_^) I like your blog a lotttt. =D
Afrah said…

Alhamdulillah =)

that's right..i've corrected it (i even spelled the title wrong!but i've changed it..huhu)

thank you alia ^__^

and i like your pictures a lot!!! ;D

*all praise be to Allah*


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