.: What they say is true :.

Alhamdulillah, after browsing through my friends' blogs, rase sangat teruja nak share my stories pulak--

okey...firstly, untuk pengetahuan sume sahabat2, saya sekarang ni sedang menjalani latihan praktikum..
selepas 8 semester di Kolej Jaiputra (bukan Jaipetra ye), akhirnya tiada lagi exam untuk saya di kolej (insya-Allah)..

Macam tak percaya je kan...3 tahun, and I'll be receiving my double diplomas in Psychology & Islamic Studies~ (to all my friends yg still struggle di IPT msg2, I wish u all best of luck!) hehe..cara cakap macamlah dah habis belajar terus...

insya-Allah, I'll further my study..so, jgn risau, saya akan kembali menjadi student seperti anda sume (bagi yg still studying la), dan kembali menghitung hari-hari untuk saya habis belajar...

but really, by doing my practical (and it's only juz 3 days--> still 44 days to go, i think), i really want to say something...

What they all say is true! Studying is blissfully easy~ It's heavenly relaxing..

Working? Especially in a new environment, coping with a new system: it's quite tiring...stressful is the word (+.+)

all i can think about is sleeping~
or probably juz sitting outside, looking at the sky~
or being at home, in my own abandoned room~
or doing the house-chores the whole day (imagine that!)~
or cooking some new recipes~
or go hiking, running, camping, jogging~
or fighting with my siblings (it's called 'loving-fight'...huhu)~
but guess what i think the most? blogging! i'm addicted...desperately addicted ^.^


sofiyyah said…
beznye kan dh abes stadi..nxt sem is going to be very3x tough 4 me.mmg ketentuan sungguh.ntah cane,dpt lecturer garang n mulut pds..cane ne afra.cne ni..hmm
Afrah said…
Uh0h- cmne ek?lets doa~
iM sure we can do nothing yet..
but as we keep seeking HIM, He will help us to go through the difficult times..

jia you sofie!

p.s. lecturer garang lah yg biasenye kita akan ingat sampai bile2~

p.p.s. mulut pedas tak payah makan cili dah~ hehehe... tp kne bg byk air lah...wpun cara ini selalunya tidak berkesan..huhu..org pedas, biarkan saje..sabar adalah ubat plg mujarab~

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