:: Pascoe Vale ::


Alhamdulillah pul 9.30 malam semalam sampai dgn selamatnya kat rumah Kak Yan kat Pascoe Vale, Victoria ;D

Esok dah mula program dengan FAMSY (OZ National ye, bukan MSD)..
Start from khutbah Jumaat sampailah ke dinner mlm tu..
Then Saturday pulak ade conference from 9.00 am to 4.30 pm..
So, if you're in Melbourne.. come and join the conference at University of Melbourne..

Poster? (can't download..so here's the link):

This is the link about the events (in OZ and NZ):

Tu je dulu..

To the Muslim community in Punchbowl; thank you for the accommodation provided ;D
To adik2 Randwick; Ainul, Dayah, Ezzy and Fika.. THANK YOU ^__^
To adik2 Adelaide; Zahra, No'im, Zety and Hazrin.. See you again~
To kwn2 Adelaide; and Shakirah... and junior2 baru.. See you soon (",)

To Kak Yan.. *hehehehe*
To Cik Ton and Cik Mai.. Jumpe lg kat M'sia nanti insya-Allah;P

To 'Newcastleanz' yg jumpe kat Winter Retreat hari tu... jia you2!! ;D

To sahabat2 'se-kereta', ganbatte~

10.26 pm already..
Must rest..
Long day tomorrow~


p.s. To 'iffah... mari skype2 ye.. kakakmu ini rindu pada khabar berita mu ;)
p.p.s. To 'atif... sila belajar bersungguh2 untuk SPM mu ye ^o^


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