:: Are You Afraid of the Muslims? ::


I've been wanting to write this for a long time ^__^

Just like I've said before, sem ni amek this very interesting Linguistic subject as an elective: 'Cross-cultural Communication'...

Ape yg bestnye blaja bende ni? Well... tak mcm psikologi, subject ni byk sentuh 'perceived reality' berbanding 'theory'..

Sbb bende ni based on 'culture', xde teori yg blh dikatakn 'tepat sgt'... So, blh kata bile masuk lecture, it's more interactive.. students akan speak up their opinion, and theory dlm buku akan di'argue' bersama...

Well, lecture ni became 'intensely' interesting last week and this week..
It all started with a question: "We still stereotyping on Muslims...Many of us are still afraid of Muslims...there isn't much of a change even nowadays, right?"

Answer: " ......... er---.......... yeah............."

Starting from that moment, everything mcm suddenly changed.. I suddenly became aware that on that day, I 'could' be the only Muslim female in class... biasenye ade 2 other Muslim females from S'pore and Indon... tp nk jd crite, hr tu diorang dua tak masuk klas...

Mula dgn soalan tu, terbuka la crite psl ape yg diorg 'fikir' n 'tahu' psl muslim etc..
All the 'bombing', 'violence' and 'terrorism'... how typical-- ^__^

So I was like: "are they afraid of me?"
well... class hr tu mcm sgt 'awkward'... but the discussion went on, as if I was invisible..
well...not really... people kept glancing and peeking at me (or so I thought..maybe it was just my imagination...huhu..)

anyway, I was like: "should I say something? should I say something? what should I say?"
I think I nearly panicked..
nah-- not really... but I really should have said something, shouldn't I?
I think everyone expected me to say something...but maybe they don't,cos they're afraid of me?
What's more important is: I don't know if I want to say anything...
It was so confusing...
I was battling with my inner-self...and the day went on in a blur...

It's really weird..
Because sblm ni I always remind myself not to think that they're afraid of me..
Tp bila dgr diorang jawab "...yeah..."
Terus mcm naik this 'dinding perisai'... my defense mechanism ^__^

In the same lecture, after my lecturer hbs session die, ade satu lg sesi...
It was an aboriginal woman presenting a talk about aboriginals and indigenous Australians...

And she said:
"I respect this woman (and she pointed her hands towards me) for wearing a veil... for practising her belief... and I respect that she's a Muslim."

I guess she felt the intensity of the previous discussion...
I was glad that she said that... At least then, I know that not everyone is afraid of me (Muslims)...
And again, I was like: "I should have said something..." ^__^

I don't know..
Maybe if you were in my place, you would have said something...

But I didn't...

And even if I did...
I don't know what I would have said...

What should I say?

And just so you know...
I think it's only the beginning...
There's going to be more to come of this kind of discussion...

Is silence the best thing?
Or saying something is better?

I still think that I should have said something...
but I'm still kinda glad I didn't say anything...
but saying something might have been better...

it's my conscience (is this the right spelling?)..

I don't like people thinking bad of me..
but I don't like it more when they think bad of the Muslims...

but that's the real world..
welcome to the real life~

to end this,
I would just like to say sorry for wasting your time with the 'should have said something'.. You must be bored and confused... sorry ^__^

Afrah ;D

"I should have said something.. or should I?"
No...I should stop questioning about it...
I can't change the past..
But I can be ready of the future..



Deremind said…
huhu.. yeah, sometimes it triggers you.

if the classmates are okay and open-minded, I'll say I would say something.

tapi kalau the classmates are pretty hard, baik diam je and might talk to the instructor..

hehe.. it's just different situation to deal with~

tak terer pun, tp at certain time we should say something, sbb memang derang tak tahu. (ke ni org US jek?)
Afrah said…

yup..you're right..
ana pon rase diorang ni 'taktau'..

kalau US with the September 11,
Aussies ni pulak kait dgn Bali Bombing..

Yg kelakanya,
my previous landlady penah ckp kat ana:
"Are you a Muslim? Oh...but you don't look bad at all..I'm sure you're not like those who bomb and terrorise others.."

but you can see what they think..


p.s. I like the vid psl American Muslims kat blog anti..I think I'll post it here too ;D

Thanks nazirah ^__^
Deremind said…
hehe.. comel je landlady tuh. tula kadang2 derang ni tau dari ape yg derang dgr, not from what they see depan mata.

Malaysia pun derang taktau kat mane... huuu~

-same2 =D

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